Returning People Home Safely

Woman wearing safety glasses and a hardhat standing in front of a Cat mining truck
Woman wearing safety glasses and a hardhat standing in front of a Cat mining truck

Customer Safety

Helping Customers Return Home Safely

We want not only our employees to return home safely, but also anyone operating a Caterpillar product or present on a jobsite with Caterpillar equipment. That ambition starts with a mindset that it requires a safe workplace culture to manufacture safe products.

Designing a product for safe operation is critical. Customer feedback is a key tool in our continuous improvement design process. We offer a broad range of safety solutions that include technology, training and consulting services.


Safety Technology

Our research and development initiatives include innovating technologies that help increase jobsite safety. For example, Caterpillar Safety Monitoring Center provides customers with visibility to both machine and operator information to help mitigate risk and improve productivity. Through in-cab and wearable technologies, data is correlated to a magnitude of conditions such as fatigue and distraction. Currently, the Safety Monitoring Center covers more than 9,000 connected assets around the globe. Another example is Cat Detect — an intelligent vision camera system that can alert an operator when someone or something gets close to the machine. This innovative technology enables customers to enhance jobsite and machine safety as well as increase operator awareness and visibility.



The Journey to 2030


Provide leadership in the safety of people who work in, on and around our products.



Progress includes:

  • In 2023, trained 8,800 Caterpillar, dealer and customer employees in safety leadership, culture and process improvements.
  • Over 9,000 connected assets around the globe were covered by the Caterpillar Safety Monitoring Center in 2023.



Operator Training


Our suite of training programs meets customers and their operators where needed — on the jobsite, virtually, or at one of our Demonstration & Learning Centers. Cat Simulator training provides a hands-on learning experience for operators in an environment that reflects real-world conditions and machine controls. Web-based e-learning opportunities can introduce new operators to safety controls and operating procedures, as well as provide experienced operators with a refresher on safe and responsible machine operation. We also offer training for jobsite supervisors who learn how to conduct site evaluations and identify improvement opportunities.


Consulting Services

Caterpillar Safety Services supports customers around the world, helping to create a safer place to work through cultural transformation. They work with customers to develop a strategy for continuous improvement based on the four components of a resilient safety culture: System, Mindset, Leadership and Ownership.