Caterpillar has a long-standing commitment to sustainability, with our history of sustainable innovation spanning more than 95 years. We are committed to further reducing Caterpillar’s greenhouse gas emissions while helping our customers meet their climate-related objectives. We are supporting our customers during the energy transition to a lower-carbon future through investments in new products, technologies and services. We have established seven sustainability goals to achieve by 2030, including five climate- and environmental-related goals and two focused on employee and customer safety.
Employee Health & Safety: We aspire to prevent all injuries and further our industry-leading safety results by reducing recordable injury frequency (RIF) by 50% from 2018 to 2030.
Operations Energy & Emissions: We have set a science-based Scope 1 and 2 goal to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions from our operations by 30% from 2018 to 2030.
Operations Water: Implement water management strategies at 100% of facilities located in water high-risk areas by 2030.
Operations Waste: Reduce landfill intensity by 50% from 2018 to 2030.
Product Emissions & Energy Efficiency: 100% of Caterpillar’s new products through 2030 will be more sustainable than the previous generation through collaborating with customers, reduced waste, improved design for rebuild/remanufacturing, lower emissions or improved efficiency.
Remanufacturing: Increase sales and revenues from remanufacturing offerings by 25% from 2018 to 2030.
Customer Safety: Provide leadership in the safety of people who work in, on and around our products.
2030 Sustainability Goal Videos