Original Brand Mark



In 1904, Caterpillar co-founder Benjamin Holt added a new type of tread to his steam tractor. When photographer Charlie Clemens later saw the tractor moving over soggy agricultural fields, he said: “If that don’t look like a monster caterpillar … Just watch the undulating movement as it creeps along.”

Holt didn’t care for the comparison, but it stuck. When Holt and Best merged in 1925, the only logical name was … Caterpillar. 


From 1925 to 1931, when the “Wavy Logo” was in use, Caterpillar machines were painted battleship gray. In 1931, Caterpillar machines got a new look: redesigned logos and Hi-Way Yellow paint.


The “Wavy Logo” was used until 1931, and since then Caterpillar has seen many logo iterations.




Did You Know?


Caterpillar machines were almost called:

  • Mud turtles
  • Platform wheels
  • Railroad wheels
  • Tread mill
  • Paddle wheels