Our Partners

photo of man in hardhat on worksite
photo of man in hardhat on worksite

Working Together

We partner with more than 160 Cat dealers and dozens of organizations across the globe to make an important and lasting impact in the communities where we live and work. By building up underserved communities, empowering women and inspiring a new generation of future workers, together we make sustainable change happen.

External Professional Partnerships

We are committed to helping our employees continually develop their professional skills throughout their Caterpillar careers. That’s why we partner with dozens of professional and technical societies and organizations. Our partnerships with these global organizations help employees grow their networks, build their skills, and improve our products and services.

Parterning with the Executive Leadership Council to Develop and Advance Black Leaders  

Part of creating an inclusive workplace means identifying opportunities for diverse voices at every level of a company. That’s a core objective for the Executive Leadership Council (ELC), which Caterpillar partners with to grow Black leaders’ careers. Caterpillar employees participated in ELC’s Leadership Development week — a premier leadership development experience for Black professionals across career levels— attended the Mid-Level Managers’ Symposium — which prepares high-performing managers from Caterpillar and other like-minded companies for break-through career growth — and ELC’s Recognition Gala — in which more than 2,000 guests and ELC members honor individuals and corporations for their support of diversity, inclusion and achievement in business. Caterpillar’s work with the ELC aligns with the company’s internal work to foster a more diverse and inclusive environment.

Executive Leadership Council (ELC) Gala Group Photo
Executive Leadership Council (ELC) Gala Group Photo

A Focus on Higher Education

Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Caterpillar’s partnership with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and other historically Black colleges and universities has allowed us to engage with students from multiple institutions and diverse backgrounds at the same time. This allows us to efficiently educate students about the businesses that we serve as well as the exciting career opportunities that exist. Providing students exposure to these things is critical to broadening their horizons to understand how they can use their degrees to positively impact the world while doing something that excites them.


Change in Action

Heroes MAKE America

In support of veteran workforce development, The Caterpillar Foundation provided a $2.25 million grant to The Manufacturing Institute – Heroes MAKE America. The Heroes MAKE America program facilitates introductions and supports a community of veterans to ease the transition from active duty to a lucrative career in the manufacturing industry. The Heroes program partners with manufacturing leaders who are proactively building supportive communities of veterans within their organizations. A network of participants and alumni are empowered to serve as resources to each other to facilitate successful transitions into the industry.


Our Customers


Investing in Others

Our customers are also doing their part to drive diversity and inclusion in their business models. Jennifer Todd, president of LMS General Contractors, shares how she overcame the odds to become a business owner in the construction industry and why she believes in investing in others.

2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report

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